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Beltane sabbat de la lumière 1er mai

Beltane, the light shines on souls.

From April 30 to May 1 we celebrate Beltane!
During this Sabbath the duration of sunshine is getting longer and longer. It is a ritual feast given in honor of renewal, of the victory of day over night, of the light that shines on souls. It is also a feast of fertility, flowers, vegetation, the regeneration of Nature as well as springs and water. Beltane celebrates the perfect harmony of feminine and masculine principles. The beginning of life is then marked by this sacred union thanks to which the flowering as well as the cultures to come will succeed in germinating. The earth warmed by the Sun has grown strong, ready to be sown.

As it is a celebration of flowering, the traditional flowers related to Beltane are hawthorn and the famous lily of the valley. So you can use it in abundance as well as roses and lilacs.

The magical side for my budding witch, during Beltane, divination is privileged but also prosperity spells as well as those related to healing, success, career advancement and job change. This is a good opportunity to practice a little love magic, always with respect for free will, but also for fertility rites.

Find my Beltane Box to dive into this Sabbath.

(taken from the book that I particularly like, "The 4 elements of natural magic" by Lise-Marie Lecompte)




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