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Imbolc (February 2) is a major Sabbath and mainly represents the feast of milk, lights, candles and the burning of embers. It is a celebration of Celtic origin which announces the imminence of the end of winter. It is a typically feminine Sabbath dedicated to Brigid the Goddess of Healing, Inspiration and Fire.

Imbolc celebrates purification, fertility and prosperity.
The days are getting longer, heralding spring, and paradoxically, it's one of the coldest times of the year. This Sabbath manifests light and a warmth encouraging the germination of seeds.

This festival is also the time of Candlemas with the making of round and golden pancakes, like the Sun, gradually marking its return. Pancakes also have another symbol, that of gold coins. It is customary that you hold a gold coin in your hand when you blow up a pancake, thus ensuring the prosperity of the household.

Imbolc is the perfect time to strengthen your spiritual growth or to do some deep meditation. It is soon the time for the “great spring cleaning” inspired by this Sabbath which is conducive to physical cleansing and the rebirth of the home.

On your altar you can place white flowers, crocuses, snowdrops or plants with resistant leaves. A plate filled with snow, a cup of milk, braided brioche and a candle for the fire.

Regarding the flagship teas and infusions to taste during Imbolc, I recommend the Oolong Milky with its milky taste, the Caramel black tea to taste your pancakes with gluttony or the Orange Blossom Infusion which will remind you of the brioche.

From my bible "The 4 elements of natural magic"by Lise-Marie Lecompte.
Illustration by my graphic designer Célia Ledoux.

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