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The Litha Sabbath corresponds to the summer solstice (June 21). It is the longest day of the year, marking the apogee of the Sun's forces but also its decline since it is from this moment that the duration of the days will begin to decrease. On this Sabbath everything is full of life and strength to communicate. This is the perfect time to indulge in all kinds of magical practices that will benefit from this incredible contribution of solar energy.

Litha can be considered the "full moon" of the solar year since it is the day of great power. Tradition has made Litha the perfect time to pick magic herbs that will be used in the composition of many incense, talismans, philtres, potions and other spells. St. John's wort is the flower par excellence of this Sabbath.

The custom of lighting large fires on this occasion goes back to the dawn of time. A way to support the power of the Sun during the shortest night of the year, but also to give it back some of the energy it has given us. These fires are the occasion for festivities.

It is the ideal day for communication with the spirits of Nature, astral projections, the harvesting of plants as well as the study of stones and animals.

You can make talismans and load them on the day of the solstice. The flowers in the spotlight are sunflower, lavender and roses. Also enjoy oak leaves, citrus fruits and aromatic herbs such as basil, thyme, sage and bay leaf.

(from the book I like: "The 4 elements of natural magic").

In honor of this solstice I created The Litha Box 


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